Now the buildings go.
Back to where they came from by natural overthrow .
Trees and stone are eternal .
Empires come and go.
Now we have a better view of the mountains .
They are so much more majestic .
Than the kingdom(e) .
Now we do not have to crawl all over each other in traffic for a view .
We can all see first we laid our foundation down here on fault .
What the fuck were we thinking.
All the sages .
Who were locked up in cages .
Have come to reclaim this throne .
Let these animals roam .
To trample those monuments and everything they hold sacred .
Castles that crumble hold no value in thei place Where the earth shakes from the heards of elephants .
Marching into battle singing
"Ohm na ma shivaya Ganesha, Ganesha" .
New lights needs room to run freely .
Without all of these obstacles taking up so much space .
The old crowd is breaking up and the old ground is breaking up.
To make way for a change